Clay's Testimony
My Story:
My story is one of pseudo-Christian who made a weak pretense of Christianity but deep down was practically certain that no human could ultimately know truth. Many had claim to ultimate truth, some or one were likely right in large part but really, who could have all the information which it would take to absolutely know.
I was aware, that if there was a God who was perfect and holy in a heaven that was perfect and holy, there’s no place in it for me. I did get the fact that if heaven is perfect, God loves you and understands does not change the fact that if I got in, at that instant, it would no longer be perfect! That’s a no go, period.
A funny thing happened, when I surrendered unto death He had absolute authority and ownership of the tarnish (actually rotten) me, formally unfathomable accounts started happening.
I experienced emotions and comparisons beyond anything I could have ever conceived as depth of love.
I experienced peace and joy with joyful anticipation of moment by moment of fulfillment and guidance from an unseen present God.
I experienced an unexpected radical transformation of priorities as well as transformation of thoughts that self-preservation and exultation weren’t my goal, dominated my mind.
I experienced urgings to speak to or go visit specific people at specific times only to find specific needs that I had the privilege to assist in spiritually, emotionally and physically.
All of this coming in short order and originally thinking the Bible fell far short of explaining this powerful transforming walk with a living God that I had practically stumbled into from my hopelessness.
I did however, stat reading the New Testament in my personal quest for truth. I was actually expecting to find it inadequate and flawed. To my surprise, it remarkably described in detail this inconceivable life I was now living. Sin with its burden taken away Jesus imparting new life and power with joy. Jesus sending the counselor, the promise Holy Spirit to be with us always to remind us of His words and led us into truth and righteousness – undoubtedly the Word of God.
The unexplainable now has explanation in this living transformed word. As I have submitted myself to the authority of His word, through the years, I have found its truth to be provision and life in countless days and situations. I’ve found it to be the rock in family storms, a myriad of hardships and crisis, and a guide to fullness, joy, fullness, peace and power for all life situations. All this for myself as well those around me. For believers in fellowship together and for unbelievers seeking truth and entry into our Father God’s perfect Heaven.
I’ve personally seen tormented delusional people instantly delivered into their right mind in joy and gratitude by having some of us standing confidently in the certainty of this, God’s Word!
I’ve personally seen physical bodies instantly healed after suffering months of debilitating pain by some of us believers praying according to His unfailing word.
Rest assured, I’m not believing the fullness of God’s counsel, His Hold Word, because I hate, but rather because I love ever more intently than I formerly thought possible. If it says God is this…God is this. If it says God is that…God is that.
There are things I haven’t yet fully reconciled of earth with God’s scripture, but be certain of this, God’s Word is not going to be reconciled to the standard of the world. Many are demanding we embrace their well thought out world view of God and man, thereby, well proven eternal word of God with the fine high minded opinions of man. Even openly declaring evil and wickedness is believing scripture, God and kind are refuting God’s word by believing the opinions of man. If you ask me to adjust scripture to accommodate the world, my family members or my own inadequacies, I cannot, I will not.
From the Garden of Eden the battle has been:
“Has God really said?”
Which side are you on eternally?